VC003: Phat Thuyet Dai Thua Vo Luong Tho Trang Nghiem Thanh Tinh Binh Dang Giac Kinh (中/越南文) (Buddha Spoke the Amitabha Sutra) (無量壽經)
CEV11: 地藏經 (中英越文對照)
CEV04: De Tu Quy - Guide to a Happy Life Chinese / English / Vietnamese (弟子規-幸福人生指歸) (中英越文對照)
CEV02: Phat Thuyet A Di Da Kinh Chinese / English / Vietnamese (Buddha Spoke the Amitabha Sutra) (阿彌陀經)
CEV01: Dia Tang Bo Tat Bon Nguyen Kinh Chinese / English / Vietnamese (Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva) (地藏經)
CE025: 南傳法句經
CE024: 佛法指南:佈施、四神足與正見
CE023: 弟子規-幸福人生指規
CE022: 大藏經入門
CE021: 金剛經‧般若心經
CE019: 佛說四十二章經
CE018: 瑜伽師地論本地分修所成地第十二
CE017: Spider Thread (懸命的蜘蛛絲)
CE016: The Sutra of Terra-Treasure (地藏經)
CE015: 金剛般若波羅蜜經
CE014: 十善業道經 The discourse on the ten wholesome ways of action(十善業道經)
A lecture of the excellent karma resulting from the practice of the ten commandments (十善業道經述記)
CE011: 十善業道經
CE010: 和尚法語(100 Master's Teachings)
CE008: 弟子規 Di Zi Gui 幸福人生指歸 Guide to a Happy Life
CE006: 大方廣佛華嚴經、普賢行願品
CE003: 藥師經
CE001: A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 佛陀畫傳